Monday, December 31, 2012

Some more health ideas for E

I've recently been working on strengthening my adrenals and it's doing wonders for my energy. I really think adding into this the GAPS diet to heal my leaky gut and adding meditation into my normal routine will be really good for me. The better I feel the more certain I am that I need to add some of this adrenal health into E's diet. My plan is to get her through the GAPS introductory diet and when she's able to finally eat some smoothies I plan on adding some of my powdered grass-fed bovine adrenal cells to her smoothies to help strengthen those tiny adrenals up! That plus the nutrition she'll be gaining from having a healed gut will do wonders for her. I need to measure her and weigh her to see where we're starting from before we begin this journey!

Currently we're eating the soups for meals but still eating some fruit and left over snack foods that we were previously consuming. Though once we finish those up it's all GAPS all the time over at my house. I'm excited to get this show on the road and get ourselves healed and feeling good! Good things ahead for us in 2013!!

Gearing up for the GAPS diet and a Chicken soup and bone broth recipe

The more I read about the GAPS diet, the more excited I am to try it out. I'm really hoping it only takes E a few days to get through each stage as it will be very difficult. We've already taken out so many foods because of allergies though that it won't be that big of a difference. E will be so excited to add some fruit back in and it NOT hurt her poor stomach.

I don't plan on her being on the GAPS diet for very long, I really strive more for a traditionally based diet that includes some sprouted grains and legumes here and there. I think a diet rich in healthy fats, healthy protein AND healthy carbs is a good balance. That's what I'm looking for here in life, balance.

Though I do whole heartily expect for myself to be on the GAPS diet for a few years before I'm ready to introduce some sprouted grains and things like maple syrup or honey back into my diet. I plan on staying on each stage of the GAPS intro diet for at least 5 days, I might stay on the third through sixth stage for a bit longer than the first two. When someone's gut is as screwed up as mine it takes time to heal.

Chicken Noodle Soup

1 whole organic free-range chicken (giblets removed)
2 quarts of filtered water
2 tsp Trace Minerals
1 bag of organic baby carrots
1 chopped onion
2 chopped garlic cloves
4 zucchini's sliced into noodles (a julienne peeler helps this part)
1 tbsp chopped thyme
1 tbsp chopped sage

Add water to a stock pot and bring to a boil. Rinse the chicken inside and out and then add to the water with the carrots. Skim off any of the scum that comes to the top, this is impurities that you don't want to consume. Once you've done that lower it to a simmer and add in your onion, garlic, thyme, sage, zucchini noodles, and trace minerals. A 3-4lb chicken should take about 1- 1 1/2 hours, the meat will easily fall off the bone when it's done. Pull the chicken out and pull the meat off the bones. Take the bones, skin and other fatty tissues that are left over and place them to the side. Plate up your veggies, chicken and broth, sprinkle some pink Himalayan salt on top to taste. Put away leftovers.

Chicken Bone Broth

1 chicken carcass and fatty tissues
1 package of organic chicken necks
1 bag of organic baby carrots
1 chopped onion
4 chopped garlic cloves
1 tbsp chopped thyme
1 tbsp chopped sage
1 tbsp chopped rosemary
1 tsp trace minerals
2 tsp pink Himalayan salt
Enough water to fill up your stock pot up to a few inches below the top

Add water to stock pot and bring to a boil. Add in your chicken carcass, fatty tissues, skin and chicken necks. Add chopped onion, garlic, thyme, sage, rosemary, trace minerals, and salt. Once the water is boiling cover it and bring it down to a simmer. Let it simmer for up to 6 hours but the longer it simmers the better it is for you! I cook mine in the crock pot over night and then scoop out of that batch all day the next day, getting more nutritious as it goes along!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

January 2013 Goals


Goals are my goal for the year! I'm going to focus on a yearly goal, heal my leaky gut, an over-all monthly goal, and weekly goals. I need to stay on track, and I think goals will be the way to go!

January monthly goal: Get into bed at 9:45 every night, and follow the GAPS diet for the entire month with no cheating.

January 1st - 8th: Go to sleep at 9:45 and start the GAPS introduction diet (next week I will continue to work on these goals, but I will add some smaller detail things in that I need to work on to accomplish my monthly goal).

This has been my goal every month for the past 3 or 4 months now! Well minus the GAPS diet part. I was trying to follow the AIP (auto-immune paleo) diet but it is very difficult, especially when it looks like this is how you will be eating from here on out. I found out about the GAPS diet and how it truly heals your gut. So my goal is to start out on the GAPS diet, then move into an AIP/GAPS diet and hopefully get to a point where I can follow a comfortable Paleo food plan!

What's YOUR goal for January? Do goals help you stay on track?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy New Year!

Well it's not really New Years yet, but it's close enough! The year 2013 is going to be a year of healing and growth for me and mine. How about yours?

In order to keep my fleeting thoughts from floating away I have decided to start a blog and glue these thoughts to the ground. The proverbial internet ground, that is. I bet that is as glued down as a thought can get; Written down. So that is what this blog is all about! My attempt at gluing my thoughts and plans to the proverbial ground. If I happen to help some other people out in the process, then I'll be a happy woman.

I've been focusing on health for quite a few years and I'm seeing that this will be a constant trend in my life. I'll admit when I first started I expected to finally reach that point of 'healthy'. Now, 4 years down the road of working on changing things for the better, I have realized and learned that it's not a destination at all, it is most definitely a journey. A journey that takes a lot of effort, research, confusion, problem solving, frustration and most definitely a lot of trial and error. Although it is hard the results and the benefits are much greater than choosing to not focus on health. I've lived that life. I don't ever plan on turning around and going back there. It's only up and out for me.

My goal for 2013 is to have more goals. Goals are another thing I need to make more concrete. So here I am...gluing to the floor the again. My goal for 2013 is to heal my leaky gut. What is yours?

If you're joining me this year and taking the plunge into truly focusing on health, then here's to health! *clanks mug of bone broth* Happy New Years! May 2013 bring you health!
